29 Ιουνίου 2008


Σήμερα, 27/06/2008, μετά από 85 χρόνια λήθης και εγκατάλειψης, οι εξόριστοι Ιμβριοι και Τενέδιοι δικαιώθηκαν για πρώτη φορά από ένα διεθνή οργανισμό. Η Κοινοβουλευτική Συνέλευση του Συμβουλίου της Ευρώπης (PACE) ενέκρινε το ψήφισμα για την Ιμβρο και την Τένεδο αναγνωρίζοντας τους διωγμούς που υπέστησαν οι Ελληνες κάτοικοι των νησιών και προτείνοντας στην Τουρκία συγκεκριμένα μέτρα για την παύση των συνεχιζόμενων παραβιάσεων ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων και την παροχή κινήτρων προς επιστροφή των γηγενών στις πατρικές τους εστίες.


Gökçeada (Imbros) and Bozcaada (Tenedos)1: preserving the bicultural character of the two Turkish islands as a model for co-operation between Turkey and Greece in the interest of the people concerned

Resolution 1625 (2008)2

1. The Parliamentary Assembly warmly welcomes the recent improvement in the relations between Turkey and Greece which have stimulated a strong increase in economic and cultural exchanges between the two states.

2. These improved relations have made it possible for the former heads of the Greek and Turkish Assembly delegations, Elsa Papademetriou and Murat Mercan, to undertake, in 2005, a historic visit to the islands of Gökçeada (Imbros) and Bozcaada (Tenedos), whose population has suffered too long also from the consequences of political crises between the two states and of economic difficulties.

3. The 2005 visit was followed by the joint presentation of the motion which is at the origin of the present resolution. The small number of inhabitants of the islands would make it possible to address their problems outside of the wider context of Greco-Turkish relations.

4. The Assembly finds that positive action by the Turkish authorities to preserve the bicultural character of the two small Turkish islands will not only be a tangible sign of Turkey’s respect for the rights of her own citizens, but could also serve as a model for cooperation between Turkey and Greece in the sole interest of the people concerned.

5. A positive attitude towards the ethnic Greek islanders and their descendants would also be an excellent example of Turkey’s willingness to embrace European values of good neighbourliness.

6. The Assembly regrets that as a consequence of various measures taken by the authorities at that time (closure of all Greek community schools on the islands, large-scale expropriations, maltreatment), but also for economic reasons, the vast majority of the original (ethnic Greek) inhabitants of the islands have emigrated, leaving only about 250 mostly elderly members of this community on Gökçeada (Imbros) and 25 on Bozcaada (Tenedos). At the same time, many thousands of former islanders and their offspring have demonstrated their desire to maintain close links with their homeland by returning regularly to their ancestral home for traditional feasts, family reunions and holidays and a number of them are seriously considering resettling there either as retirees or as entrepreneurs. Members of the diaspora associations play an important role in assisting the permanent residents in coping with the objective difficulties they face.

7. Positive measures are now urgently needed in order to stem or at least partly reverse the departure of the ethnic Greek population from the islands so that their bicultural character can be sustainably preserved.

8. The Assembly welcomes the fact that the Turkish authorities have recently made a number of positive gestures, including:

    8.1. the reconstruction of the bell tower of the Greek community church of Bozcaada (Tenedos), following the visit of the Turkish Prime Minister and his dedicated will;

    8.2. the recent refurbishment of the Agios Nikolaos church in Kaleköy (Kastro) on Gökçeada (Imbros);

    8.3. the imminent (already approved and funded) restoration of the island’s former cathedral church, Agia Marina, in the same town;

    8.4. the much-noted reassuring and helpful attitude of both local sub-prefects (“Kaymakams”) towards the ethnic Greek population.

9. In order to increase the positive momentum, the following additional measures are particularly urgent to consider:

    9.1. to permit the re-opening of at least one Greek community school on Gökçeada (Imbros), along the lines of the Greek Orthodox community schools in Istanbul or the Turkish Muslim community schools for the people of Turkish origin, the Pomaks and the Roma in Western Thrace, as soon as a sufficient number of ethnic Greek families with school-age children have committed themselves to resettling on the island. The new school shall promote bi-culturalism and offer Greek language and culture classes;

    9.2. to return expropriated land and buildings to their previous owners, whenever the land is not, or no longer, used for the public purposes for which it was expropriated. When the land cannot reasonably be returned because it has been transferred to new inhabitants, the previous owners should be offered equitable compensation, preferably in the form of other state-owned land on the same island;

    9.3. to return ethnic community (religious foundations and municipalities) public buildings as well as religious foundations and their property that were seized (as "mazbut") and placed under the direct administration of the Vakifs' D.G.;

    9.4. to adopt specific measures that would ensure the return (in areas where the cadastral process has been completed) or the proper recording of community and family properties, including the following:

      9.4.1. to provide for the practical accessibility, to all inhabitants of the islands and their descendents, of the Ottoman-era cadastral archives and the results of the survey made for property tax purposes in 1936 and to admit such documents as proof of ownership in the ongoing cadastral process;

      9.4.2. to abolish the practice followed by the islands’ cadastral officers and courts according to which ethnic Greek residents do not only have to prove – by witness – that they were in possession of the land for at least 20 years, but that they also still “exploit” the fields or houses at the time of application although they were obliged to leave them “unexploited” for reasons that are beyond their control;

      9.4.3. to withhold the cadastral process that began on the islands in 1996 until the adoption of the measures mentioned in paragraphs 9.3.1. and 9.3.2. above, thereby sparing inhabitants the expensive, time-consuming and aleatory court proceedings needed to rectify an inaccurate administrative decision;

      9.4.4. to provide for a period of ten years during which all claims that were dismissed, whether by administrative process or in court, will be reviewed under the new regime following simple, cost-effective administrative procedures;

    9.5. to apply the recent judgments of the European Court of Human Rights upholding the inheritance rights of non-citizens to all pending and future cases involving inhabitants of the islands and their descendants, and to refrain from applying new restrictions based on the perceived military-strategic importance of the islands with respect to former islanders who have lost their Turkish citizenship, and whose presence cannot conceivably have “strategic” significance;

    9.6. to repair in due course the damage already done to the natural and cultural heritage of the islands, in particular by:

      9.6.1. simplifying and speeding up the procedure for owners of protected historical buildings on both islands to obtain the required permits for their restoration and reconstruction;

      9.6.2. speedily granting the Greek Orthodox parish of Bozcaada (Tenedos) the permit required for the restoration of the chapel of Agia Paraskevi and issuing proper ownership titles both in respect of the particular chapel and all other property of this religious foundation;

      9.6.3. reviewing the permit given to the “Wind-Surf Club” built in the sensitive natural habitat zone between the salt lake and the Agean Sea on the south-eastern coast of Gökçeada (Imbros);

      9.6.4. banning any further excavations at the natural monument of “Kaskavalia Rocks” near the harbour of Kuzulimani (Agios Kyrikos) at Gökçeada (Imbros) and repairing the damage already done;

      9.6.5. removing the unused, ruined concrete shack built by the military on the scenic site of the former festivities area of the village of Tepeköy (Agridia) known as Pinarbasi (Spilia) on Gökçeada (Imbros) and making the whole area available again for traditional festivities and funding the reconstruction of the Agia Marina chapel;

      9.6.6. restoring, to the extent possible, the classical-era port of Kaleköy (Kastro) on Gökçeada (Imbros) destroyed during the recent construction of a modern marina on this site, and preserving the remnants of the ancient Venetian/Byzantine-era castle overlooking the same village;

      9.6.7. maintaining the original religious purpose of the newly restored church of Agios Nikolaos in Kaleköy (Kastro);

    9.7. to return the Turkish citizenship to those of the islanders who lost it in the past and their descendants;

    9.8. to establish a direct link, by sea, between Gökçeada (Imbros) and Bozcaada (Tenedos), and between Gökçeada and Greece, taking into consideration also its commercial viability;

    9.9. to improve infrastructure facilities for the villages on Gökçeada (Imbros) that are still settled by significant numbers of ethnic Greek inhabitants – in particular, in Tepeköy (Agridia), Dereköy (Schinoudi), Zeytinliköy (Aghii Theodori), and Eski Bademli (Glyky).

10. In order to assist in the implementation of the measures recommended above, and to promote the early detection of any other issues needing to be addressed, the Assembly recommends the instauration of an informal mechanism for regular dialogue (“round table”) involving the local Turkish authorities and representatives of the two communities.

11. The Assembly also invites Turkey and Greece to initiate a dialogue and consultation mechanism by which all the issues pertaining to the respective minorities as stipulated by the Lausanne Peace Treaty would be taken up in a bilateral context.

12. The Assembly invites its Monitoring Committee to include the follow-up of the proposed measures (paragraph 9 above) in its post-monitoring dialogue with Turkey.

1 According to the Third UN Conference on the Standardization of the Geographic Names, nation states enjoy the right to name the geographical locations under their sovereignty.

2 Assembly debate on 27 June 2008 (27th Sitting) (see Doc. 11629, report of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights, rapporteur : Mr Gross). Text adopted by the Assembly on 27 June 2008 (27th Sitting).

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Ειπόντος τινός:
«Ω, Λεωνίδα, προς πολλούς μετ' ολίγων διακινδυνεύσων ούτως πάρει;»
Λεωνίδας έφη: «Ει μεν οίεσθέ με τωι πλήθει δειν πιστεύειν, ουδ' η πάσα Ελλάς αρκεί -βραχεία γαρ μοίρα του εκείνων πλήθους εστίν- ει δε ταις αρεταίς, και ούτος ο αριθμός ικανός

Όταν κάποιος του είπε:
«Με τόσους λίγους έρχεσαι, Λεωνίδα, να διακινδυνεύσεις απέναντι σε τόσους πολλούς;»
Ο Λεωνίδας είπε: «Αν πιστεύετε ότι πρέπει να βασιζόμαστε στο πλήθος, δεν αρκεί ούτε ολόκληρη η Ελλάδα -αφού αποτελεί μικρό μέρος σε σχέση με το πλήθος εκείνων. Αν όμως πιστεύετε ότι πρέπει να βασιζόμαστε στις αρετές του καθενός, τότε και ο αριθμός αυτός είναι ικανός

(Πλούταρχος, Λακωνικά Αποφθέγματα)

Μανθάνειν ἐν μὲν τῷ Οὐρανῷ τὸ ὁρᾶν, ἐν δὲ τῇ Γῇ τὸ ἀναμιμνήσκεσθαι.

Μακάριος ὁ διὰ τῶν Μυστηρίων διελθών, οὗτος γιγνώσκει τῆς ζωῆς τὴν ἀρχὴν καὶ τὸν σκοπόν!

Ὄλβιος ὅστις ἰδὼν κεῖνα εἶσ’ ὑπὸ χθόνα· οἶδε μὲν βίου τελευτάν, οἶδεν δὲ διόσδοτον ἀρχάν!

Πίνδαρος, Ποιητὴς τῶν Ἱερῶν Ἀγώνων τοῦ Ἑλληνισμοῦ καὶ Προφήτης τοῦ Ἀπόλλωνος ἐν Δελφοῖς.

Και τί να πω αύριο στον Ήλιο;

«Σήκω, σαΐτεψε το φίδι, πώχει αφήκει

η παλιά φιδομάνα και που τώρα

πάλι τη γην ολόγυρα γυρεύει

στις δίπλες του σφιχτά για να τυλίξει»;

«Ξύπνα», να πω, «Τιτάνα Εσύ, και πάλι,

κυκλόφερε τα θεία πατήματά Σου,

τα θεία Σου τα σκιρτήματα τριγύρω

στο φοβερό ερπετό που ξαναζώνει

τη γη κι ο οσκρός* του αρχίνισε να τρέχει

στις θείες πηγές Σου, φαρμακώνοντάς τις»;

«Ο διθύραμβος του Ρόδου», Άγγελος Σικελιανός

* οσκρός = κεντρί, δηλητήριο
Ο Έλληνας, τέκνο του ΔευκΑλίωνος, μάχεται συνΕχώς!